Sunday 13 May 2012

Restore iPhone from Backup

iPhone comes with most sophisticated firmware, but most of the times you could end up losing your data. The reasons could be a file corruption, data getting erased accidentally, or just any repair to the iPhone.  Most probably you will be aware that the data loss is no good experience. However, getting back up from the iPhone is a straightforward matter.
This is because, all the settings, data and other information is taken as back up into the computer, whenever you perform iPhone sync. So, let us now check out the ways to restore your iPhone from a backup.

Procedure to Restore iPhone from Backup

  • First of all, you need to connect your iPhone to your computer or laptop. This is to perform the sync operation to get the backup files.
  • You can see a Restore button, in the middle of the iPhone management screen. Now click on that.
  • Now follow the onscreen instruction, which gives you some introduction, then agree to terms and conditions of the standard iPhone software license.  You can see the screen below, which displays the iPhone license agreement. There you can see an option “I have read and agree to the iPhone Software License agreement“. Select this and click “continue”.

  • Now you will be redirected to a screen, which asks for iTunes Account information. Now enter your Apple account credentials, if you have them.  Else you will have to register for new credentials, if you don’t have them.
  • Usually, you don’t have to register again, since the credentials are offered when you have activated your iPhone initially.

  • Now once you enter your username and password, you will be asked to register your iPhone. You can do so by filling out the necessary details.
  • Upon completion of this registration, you will receive a free trail of Apple’s Mobile me. It is purely your choice to accept it or leave it.
  • Now continue with the process.
  • Now you will have to choose a suitable back up. The figure below displays an option “Restore from the backup of” and besides this you can see a list of back ups. Select the appropriate and the recent one. Usually, you will have only one option. Now click on continue.

  • Now the restore process begins.
  • This will transfer all the data settings leaving the music data. Once your restore process is finished make sure you double check all the settings in iTunes and your iPhone as well. Make sure everything is synchronized properly. Often, some settings, including email or podcast sync setting are left out.
  • Now this step is purely optional and is left for your discretion. This step comes just before you can sync in your music. Once the initial restore of the iPhone is complete, iTunes presents you an option that whether you want to share the diagnostic information with Apple. However, just remember that accepting this step will share your data with Apple and this is something related to the privacy of your iPhone. As you can see the figure below, if you accept, click on “Send to Apple”, else select on “Don’t Send” Button.

  • Since all the data is synced now it’s time to sync your music. This is based on the settings of your backup. If you wish to sync many songs, this could take up an hour or if your playlist is small, then it will sync with in few minutes.
That’s all. You have restored your iPhone from back up.


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