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Friday, 20 January 2012

How to change the STA ID when cloning PSE Server in Citrix

Cloning Presentation Server 4.0 will not change the STA ID that is integrated in the XML service! To change the STA ID edit CtxSta.conf file in %ProgramFiles%\Citrix\system32 and change the STA ID with a value you like.
UID=STABB4BD26E58F5 <= change this (sample) value
After changing the STA ID, restart the Citrix XML service to pick-up the new ID.

How to disable right mouse click
This is a very old feature from Project Columbia but was never included to any Web Interface version. The following change is the simplest way to do it.

Edit the ayout.ascx file in /Citrix/MetaFrame/auth/include and /Citrix/MetaFrame/include
Search for the <body> html tag and add oncontextmenu="return false"
Like  <body oncontextmenu="return false"...

Friday, 13 January 2012

Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 on USB Device

Procedure to record Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 to a removable USB device.,

Steps to Follow:1. Download the iso image of Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 and a special utility 
Download the following utilities:
  • Iso image of Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 (196 MB) 
  • Utility to record Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 to USB devices (378 KB)
2. Recording Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 to your USB device: 
In order to do this, perform the following actions:

  • Connect the USB to  your system. The USB Device should have the following features: 
    •  USB Device should not less than 256 MB.  
    • USB device must have FAT16 or FAT32 file system. If it is formatted in NTFS file system then you need to format it in FAT16 or FAT32 first.
  • Run the downloaded file rescue2usb.exe. On the Kaspersky USB Rescue Disk Maker window, click Browse... and select the iso image of Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10
  •  Under 'USB Medium' Select the required USB device  and Click START. Wait until the process is complete.
  • Click OK on the open window informing that Kaspersky USB Rescue Disk has been successfully created. 

3. Configure the computer to boot from Removable Device:- 
To do this, perform the following actions: 

  • Enable booting from removable devices in BIOS settings  
  • Connect the removable device with Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 image to your computer.
4. Boot your computer from Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10

  • Restart your computer. After reboot, a message will appear on the screen: Press any key to enter the menu.  Press any key. 
  • A loading wizard will start (you will see the menu to select the required language). If you do not press any key in 10 seconds, the computer boots from hard drive automatically. In the start up wizard window that opens, select the graphic interface language using the cursor moving keys. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard. 

  • Select one of the following start up methods and Press the ENTER.
    • Kaspersky Rescue Disk. Graphic Mode loads the graphic subsystem.
    • Kaspersky Rescue Disk. Text Mode loads the text user interface represented by the Midnight Commander (MC) console file manager. 
    • Boot from Hard Disk. 

  • The End User License Agreement of Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 is displayed on the screen. Read carefully the agreement. If you agree with all the statements of the agreement press the C button on your keyboard.

Once the actions described above have been performed, the operating system starts. It scans your computer for connected devices and searches for file systems of your local and removable disks. Once the operating system has started, you can start work with Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10. If the host operating system is in sleep mode or its operation has been completed incorrectly, you will be asked to mount the file system or restart the computer. In order to boot from the hard drive to shut down the operating system correctly, select Restart computer.

  • If you select Continue, the application will continue mounting the file system, but there is a fairly high risk of file system damage. 
  • If you select Skip, the application will skip file system mounting. Only boot sectors and autorun elements will be scanned. There is a fairly high risk of file system damage.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

About Copy Clients

To use Web-based client installation, the client installation files must be available on the Web Interface server.

During Web Interface installation, Setup prompts you to access the XenApp or XenDesktop installation media. On IIS, Setup copies the contents of the \Citrix Receiver and Plug-ins folder on the installation media to a folder called \Clients in the root directory; for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Web Interface\Version\Clients. On Java application servers, Setup copies the Citrix clients from the installation media and packages them in the .war file.

If you did not copy the client installation files to the Web server during Web Interface installation, make sure you copy these files to the Web server before using Web-based client installation; for example, copy the files from Citrix Receiver and Plug-ins/Windows folder. If the XenApp or XenDesktop installation media is not available, you must manually recreate the required directory structure and then download the clients that you need from the Citrix Web site.

By default, the Web Interface assumes that the file names of the client installation files are the same as the files supplied on the XenApp or XenDesktop installation media. If you download clients from the Citrix Web site or if you plan to deploy older clients, check that the appropriate client installation file names are specified in the configuration files for your XenApp Web sites.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Explaining and Changing the Citrix XML Service Port

The Citrix XML Service was introduced with MetaFrame 1.8 Service Pack 2 and a Feature Release 1 license needed to be installed. MetaFrame XP and later incorporates the Citrix XML Service as a standard feature.
When MetaFrame 1.8 Service Pack 2 or later is installed and the server rebooted, the Citrix XML Service binaries are placed on the system whether the Citrix XML Service was or was not installed. All that must be done to complete the Citrix XML Service installation is to register the XML Service itself by running the ctxxmlss command.
Unlike MetaFrame XP or later, MetaFrame 1.8 does not allow for the sharing of port 80 with IIS.
CTXXMLSS.EXE Command Line Usage

The command-line syntax below applies to all MetaFrame environments:
CTXXMLSS [switches] [/Rnnnn] [/Knnn] [/U] [/?]
/Rnnnn - Registers the service on port number nnnn
/Knnn - Keep-Alive nnn seconds (default 9).
/U - Unregisters the service.
/? (help) - Displays the syntax for the utility and information about the utilities options.
After the Citrix XML Service is registered, a new service appears in the Services Applet and registry entries are created. Ensure this service is started.
To determine which port is being used, either look in the Citrix Management Console (MetaFrame XP and later) and/or locate the following registry key (assuming IIS port sharing is not being used):
Caution! This procedure requires you to edit the registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that might require you to reinstall your operating system. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Back up the registry before you edit it.
Value: "TcpPort" If the value is listed in hex, change to a decimal notation.
If Microsoft IIS is installed, the administrator of the MetaFrame XP installation is given the option to install the Citrix XML Service and share a port with IIS.
In fact, no separate XML Service is running. IIS serves the XML data using an ISAPI filter named Wpnbr.dll located in the \Inetpub\Scripts folder. To remove the Citrix XML Service functionality from your MetaFrame server, simply rename or delete the Wpnbr.dll file.
Lastly, once the XML Service port is changed on the MetaFrame Servers, change NFuse or Web InterFace, MetaFrame Secure Access Manager, or the Program Neighborhood Client to use the new port.
Unregistering the XML Service
1.  Open a command Prompt window.
2.  Run ctxxmlss /u (This command unregisters the Citrix XML Service and marks it for deletion).
Registering the XML Service on a port other than sharing with IIS
1.  Unregister the service using the previous instructions.
2.  Open a command Prompt window.
3.  Run ctxxmlss /r[Port Number] (Notice that there is no space between the switch “/r” and the port number.
4.  Open the service control manager and manually start the Citrix XML Service.
Note: During the unregister/register process you might see the below error message. There is no need to reboot the server. Just run the Unregister command again, go to services and attempt to start the service then Reregister the service.
Could not start the Citrix XML Service service on Local Computer.
Error 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
Registering the XML Service to share the port with IIS 5.0
1.  Unregister the service using the previous instructions.
2.  Copy the files ctxxmlss.txt, clm.dll, wpnbr.dll to the \Inetpub\Scripts folder. ***(If you are running MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0 then the clm.dll file is no longer needed).***
3.     If you are running MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0 or Citrix Presentation Server 4.0, locate the file ctxadmin.dll and copy it to a folder called ctxadmin under \Inetpub\Scripts.
4.     If you are running Citrix Presentation Server 4.0, locate the files ctxconfproxy.dll,ctxsta.dll,ctxsta.config and copy them to \Inetpub\Scripts.
5.     Open the IIS Manager MMC Snap-in.
6.     Expand the Default Web Site.
7.     Right-click the Scripts folder and click Properties.
8.     On the Virtual Directory tab make sure that the Execute Permissions field is set to Scripts and Executables.
9.     Open a command prompt window.
10.   Run the iisreset command (be aware that this command will restart all IIS-related services).
Registering the XML Service to share the port with IIS 6.0
For Citrix Presentation Server 4.0 on Windows 2003, refer to CTX107683 – How to Configure the XML Service to Share with IIS.
Otherwise, follow these steps:
By default when installing IIS 6.0, the virtual Scripts Folder is not created.
1.     Unregister the service using the previous instructions.
2.     Navigate to the \Inetpub folder and create a new folder named Scripts.
3.     Open the IIS Manager MMC Snap-in.
4.     Right-click the Default Web Site and select New | Virtual Directory…
5.     Click Next.
6.     Under Alias: type the name Scripts and click Next.
7.     Under Path: type Drive Letter:\Inetpub\Scripts and click Next.
8.     Under Allow the following permissions: make sure that the following are selected:
a. Readb. Run Scripts (such as ASP)c. Execute (such as ISAPI applications or CGI)
9.      Click Next and click Finish.
10.   Right-click the Scripts virtual directory and go to Properties.
11.   Under the Virtual Directory tab make sure that the Execute Permissions: field is set to Scripts and Executables.
12.   Under the Directory Security tab, click Edit… under Authentication and Access Control and make sure that the Enable anonymous access check box is selected.
13.   Now copy the files ctxxmlss.txt, clm.dll, wpnbr.dll to the newly create Scripts folder under the Inetpub folder. ***(If you are running MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0 then the clm.dll file is no longer needed).***
14.   If you are running MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0, locate the file ctxadmin.dll and copy it to a folder called ctxadmin under \Inetpub\Scripts.
15.   In IIS Admin right-click Web Service Extensions, select Add a new web service extension. Type the name Citrix XML ISAPI in the Extension name field and click Add. In the Add File popup window, type in or browse to the location of the wpnbr.dll file. Then finish by selecting the Set the extension status to allowed check box.
16.   For MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0, in IIS Admin right-click Web Service Extensions, select Add a new web service extension. Type the name Citrix XML Administration ISAPI in the Extension name field and click Add. In the Add File popup window, type in or browse to the location of the ctxadmin.dll file. Then finish by selecting the Set the extension status to allowed check box.
17.   Run the iisreset command (be aware that this command restarts all IIS-related services).
Registering the XML Service to share the port with IIS 7.0
For XenApp Server 5.0 and 6.0 on Windows Server 2008 and R2, refer to CTX125107 – Configuring XML Service to Share a Port with IIS on 32 and 64 Bit Versions of Windows Server 2008.
Note: The file ctxxmlss.txt is located in the Program Files\Citrix\System32 folder and the files clm.dll and wpnbr.dll are located in the <SYSTEMROOT>\System32 folder.
With Presentation Server 3.0, all the files required are located in Program Files\Citrix\System32.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Farm Metric Server Errors

Error2: (Code: c0160af2, The Farm Metric Server cannot be contacted. Make sure the Farm Metric Servers are running and that you can connect to them. Resource Manager will not function correctly as a result.) when Opening the Citrix Management Console on MetaFrame XPe

The error can be reproduced with two servers in a farm. By default, the first server in the farm that has Resource Manager installed becomes the Farm Metric Server. Installing Resource Manager to Server 2 in the farm does not automatically make Server 2 a Backup Farm Metric Server. Opening the Citrix Management Console > Resource Manager > Farm Metric Server tab showed only Server 1 as the Farm Metric Server and as a Backup Farm Metric Server.

Therefore, if Server 1 is powered off and the Citrix Management Console is opened on Server 2, the above error is generated. If Server 2 is set as a Backup Farm Metric server and Server 1 is powered off, you would not get the above error message.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Farm Metric Server Errors

Error1: From the Farm Metric Server tab within the Resource Manager node of the Citrix Management Console:“The Farm Metric(s) server cannot be contacted. This will cause Resource Manager to function incorrectly. Check that the Farm Metric(s) server is running and can be contacted. Error Code: C0160af2.”

This was reproduced with a two server MetaFrame XP farm with only a single server configured as a farm metric server. No backup farm metric server was configured. Open the Citrix Management Console on the non-farm metric server. Ensure all is fine and restart the server. Refresh the Citrix Management Console while the farm metric server is restarting. Observe the error.
The above steps can also be done without restarting the farm metric server. Simply stop the IMA Service on the farm metric server.

The Watcher tab within the Resource Manager node or the Resource Manager tab within the server Properties should indicate “Server Down.” You may need to refresh the Citrix Management Console.

The reproduction steps above are not likely to be the cause of the issue. They are just to indicate that the farm metric server is unreachable. Reproducing the issue by stopping the IMA Service indicates that IMA may be in a hung state, the server Resource Manager files are somehow corrupt, or the server is having difficulty accessing the Resource Manager information within the database.

Installing C++ On Windows 7(64-bit)

1. Install the software DOSBox version 0.74
2. Create a folder,for example “Turbo” (C:Turbo)
3. Download and extract TC into the Turbo folder (c:Turbo):
4. Run the DOSBox 0.74 from the icon located on the desktop:
5. Type the following commands at the command prompt [Z]: mount d c:Turbo [The folder TC is present inside the folder Turbo]
Now you should get a message which says: Drive D is mounted as a local directory c:Turbo
6. Type d: to shift to d:
7. Next follow the commands below:
cd tc
cd bin
tc or tc.exe [This starts you the Turbo C++ 3.0]
8. In the Turbo C++ goto Options>Directories> Change the source of TC to the source directory [D] ( i.e. virtual D: refers to original c:Turbo . So make the path change to something like D:TCinclude and D:TClib respectively )

How to start TurboC++ in the DOSBox automatically:
You can save yourself some time by having DOSBox automatically mount your folders and start TurboC++:
For DOSBox versions older then 0.74 browse into program installation folder and open the dosbox.conf file in any text editor. For version 0.73 go to Start Menu and click on “Configuration” and then “Edit Configuration“. Then scroll down to the very end, and add the lines which you want to automatically execute when DOSBox starts.

Automatically mount and start Turbo C++3.0 in DOSBox ver 0.73:
Scroll down to the very end, and add the lines:
Those commands will be executed automatically when DOSBox starts!

Please note:
Full screen: Alt and Enter
When you exit from the DosBox [precisely when u unmount the virtual drive where Turbo C++ 3.0 has been mounted] all the files you have saved or made changes in Turbo C++ 3.0 will be copied into the source directory(The directory which contains TC folder)
Don’t use shortcut keys to perform operations in TC because they might be a shortcut key for DOSBOX also . Eg : Ctrl+F9 will exit DOSBOX rather running the code .

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Disable the Splash Screen in Portable Firefox (and Other Portable Apps)

Portable applications are cool because you can run them on any machine from your thumb drive. What isn’t cool is the annoying splash screens that appear when launching the apps. Here’s how to disable the annoyance.
In this example we are using Portable Apps version 1.6.1.
Disable Splash Screen in Portable Firefox 
To disable the Splash Screen, open up Computer and double-click on your flash drive containing PortableApps.

Now browse to the following location…
In this directory you’ll find the file FirefoxPortable.ini. Open this file with Notepad…
This ini file should look similar to the shot below. By default, the line DisableSplashScreen=False … we just need to change False to True.
Then make sure to save the change…
Now copy the FirefoxPortable.ini file we just edited.
Then go back to the main directory PortableApps \ FirefoxPortable and paste it there.
That is all there is to it! Now when you launch Portable Firefox, you won’t have to wait while the Splash Screen displays before you can start using it.
If you ever want to revert back to having the Splash Screen display, all you’ll need to do is delete FirefoxPortable.ini from PortableApps \ FirefoxPortable.
The process is essentially the same in other PortableApps as well. Just follow the steps shown above. For example here we’re disabling the Splash Screen from KeePassPortable by going into the thumb drive PortableApps \ KeePassPortable \ Other \ Source and changing the KeePassPortable.ini file for DisableSplashScreen to equal True. Save it…
Then copy it to the main KeePassPortable directory…
If you are annoyed by having to see the Splash Screen every time you launch a portable app, following these steps rids the annoyance!

Friday, 6 January 2012

Create a Shortcut to Quickly Edit Your Hosts File

As a programmer that does a lot of work on web sites, I end up having to edit my hosts file far too often, and in Windows 7 or Vista, you have to use Notepad in Administrator Mode. Tedious.
My quick and easy solution to this problem is so simple that it barely deserves a full article, but we’re going to cover it anyway—basically, you just create a shortcut to edit the file in Notepad, and set the properties to always start as Administrator. The final step is to create that shortcut in the Start Menu, so it will be easily accessible with the start menu search engine.
Once you’re done, all you have to do is type hosts into the start menu, and you can edit the Hosts file.

Let’s Make a Shortcut! 
Open up the start menu folder—Then right-click and create a shortcut, with the following location:
notepad c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Once you’ve created the shortcut, and make sure you give it a useful name like “Edit Hosts”, you should open up the shortcut properties, click the Advanced button, and then select the “Run as administrator” option.
Once you’ve done so, you can simply type hosts into the start menu to pull up the item…
You’ll be prompted to accept the UAC prompt, since you have to edit the hosts file in administrator mode.
And there we are. Edit away!
And yes, you might point out that you can simply change the permissions on the Hosts file to not require admin mode, but that would lead to a less secure system, since malware often tries to edit the hosts file.
Also, you might point out that this was such a simple and easy topic that I shouldn’t have bothered. But I did! Loss of geek points for me.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

How To Edit Your Hosts File : Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6)

In Snow Leopard, accessing the hosts file is very similar to Ubuntu. Begin in terminal and use your favorite editor, even is you wish to call a GUI text editor, it is easier to do so from terminal.
The file will look a bit more like Windows, only with a little less explanation. Again we are going to redirect Facebook.
This time it seems that is a loopback and will direct you to the computers Apache test page.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

How To Edit Your Hosts File : Ubuntu

In Ubuntu 10.04 and most Linux distro’s you can edit the hosts file directly in the terminal. You can use your favorite editor or even open your favorite GUI text editor. For this example we will use VIM. Like Windows 7, Ubuntu’s hosts file is located in the /etc/ folder, though here it is in the root of the drive. In order to edit the file you will need to open it as root which is why we use sudo here.
Now that it is open we can edit it to redirect Facebook into nothing. You will notice that with Ubuntu there is also a section for IP6. For most needs you will only need to edit it the top section and ignore the IP6.
Now we can save the file and try to go to Just like in windows we will see that we are now redirected to a site that does not exist.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

How To Edit Your Hosts File :Windows

Windows 7

To access the hosts file in Windows 7 you can use the following command in the Run Line to open notepad and the file.
notepad c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Once notepad is open you can edit the file. In this example we will block Facebook. To do this just enter in the following after the # mark.
Now that you have edited your Hosts file make sure to save it.
Now notice if we try to access Facebook in IE we can’t get to the page.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Stop Virus entering from USB to Pc and Vice versa

In this post i am gonna tell to How to protect both PC and USB from Viruses. Well, Do you know On what moments viruses transfer from USB 2 PC and PC 2 USB????
  1. At the time when we Open USB Drive for Copying a File from USB to PC
  2. During Copying a File from PC to USB

So if we do something to stop entering Viruses on these two moments then you can protect both PC and USB from Viruses.

Now the Question arises How we can do this......

1. At the time when we Open USB Drive for Copying a File from USB to PC

  • On this time if we disable the Writing Property of USB drive then viruses can't enter in the USB.
Now Steps to disable the Writing Property of USB drive:
1.  Click Start, click Run, type Regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
2.  Go to HKLM > System > current control set > control
3. Right click on Control folder> new> key and give name 'StorageDevicePolicies'
4. Now In the right side window right click > new > Dwrd value and give it a value '1'
5. Now close registry, restart PC. 
2. During Copying a File from PC to USB
  • Always use 'send to' (right click on file that has to copy> send to > USB Drive) except copind and pasting file.
  • During Copying a File from PC to USB Remember to enable the Writing Property of USB drive by changing value 0 in step 4.

Direct shortcut to Enable and disable the Writing Property of USB drive 
Note: Registry Modification will be in effect only after Reboot PC.

Be safe